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12 Artikel mit 36 Ausführungen gefunden
Very strong adhesive window sealing tape with active drying membrane for inner and outer joint sealing
Pre-compressed and impregnated joint sealing tape for simultaneously sealing indoor and outdoor window and door joints, particularly shallow joints
Joint sealing tape in line with BG2 for indoor and outdoor sealing and insulating of window and door joints
Self-adhesive sealing tape with special, active-drying membrane for sealing joints indoors and outdoors.
Window sealing tape with special, active-drying membrane for sealing joints indoors and outdoors
Breathable, elastic and weather-resistant sealing tape
Butyl/self-adhesive. Window sealing tape with special, active-drying membrane for sealing joints indoors and outdoors.
Joint sealing tape for simultaneous internal and external sealing and insulation of window and door joints. Ensures reliable smoothing of unevenness in the joint area and is weather-resistant.
Waterproofed, pre-compressed dual-purpose sealing tape for complete sealing of the joints of windows and doors
Air and water-impermeable sealing tape that blocks vapour diffusion
Breathable, elastic and weather-resistant sealing tape.
Breathable, elastic and weather-resistant sealing tape with one-sided self-adhesive strips
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